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Chao Ren Bu Hui Fe [lyrics]

Māmā shuō hěnduō shì bié tài jìjiào
媽媽說 很多事別太計較
Mother said, don't worry too much about too much things

Zhishì shimìng gan zhaodào le wo wo shuì bùzháo
只是使命感找到了我 我睡不著
I had found my mission, so I can't sleep

Rúguo shuō màrén yào youdian jìqiao
如果說 罵人要有點技巧
If you say my cursing need some work,

Wo huì jiādian xuánlu ni huì juéde chāo
我會加點旋律 你會覺得 超
I will add some melody to it, you'll think it's super "Diao" (don't know what it really means)

Wo de qiāng bù huì zhuāng dànyào
我的槍 不會裝彈藥
My gun won't be loaded with ammunition.

Suoyi fàngxīn bù huì yourén dào
所以放心 不會有人倒
So don't worry, I'll assured that no one will be downed

Wo pāi qīng fēng xiá, bù xūyào tìshēn, yīnwèi zìxìn shì wo huìhuà de yánliào
In the making of "The Green Hornet" ,I don't need a stunt/substitute, because 'Confidence' is the colors of my masterpiece

Wo zuò hěnduō shì bèihòu de yìyì bìngfēi nimen xiangxiàng
The reason for a lot of things I do, isn't what you think.

Pāi gè diànshì chún wèile youqíng yu xiōngdì jiān de mèngxiang
I made TV show "Pandaman" is the because of my friendship and friends' dream.

Shōushì lu zài kaoyàn lái kàn kàn wo de wěidà lixiang
Ratings are testing, coming to see my great idea

Yīnwèi wo de rénshēng wo xū zài duō yī bèi de jia xiàng
Because my life is no more than an award

Wo bù zhīdào hé shí biàn chéng le suowèi dì nà bangyàng
I don't know when it became a role model of the society

Bèi gouzai pāi dì nà biān zhuāngzhe yào dàoqiàn de múyàng zěnyàng
被狗仔拍的那邊裝著要道歉的模樣 怎樣
I pretend to apologize when the paparazzi are shooting, What?

Wo chàng de gēcí yào youdian wénhuà
The lyrics I sing have to have a little culture literacy influence

Yīnwèi suíshí huì bèi dāng jiàocái
Because at any time, it can become the teaching materials.

Měiguó youxiàn diànshì xīnwén wang néng bùnéng děng yīngwén hao yīdian zài fang
CNN, Can't you wait to interview me until my English is better?

Shídài zázhì fēngmiàn néng bùnéng chóng pāi
Time Magazine, can I redo the cover?

Suíshí suídì zhùyì xíngxiàng
Anywhere and Anytime, I have to note my image,

Yào kòngzhì yinshí bùrán jiù gēn dù shā fūrén làxiàng de wo bù xiàng
being aware of my food intake, or else I would look like Jiugen Madame Wax

Hao lái wù de zhōngguó xìyuàn dìshàng you hěnduō shouyìn jiaoyìn
The Tungsten's Chinese Theater in Hollywood has a lots of hand print and footprint.

Hé shí cáinéng kànjiàn wo de jiao.. Ó~
When will it be to see my footprint? Oh~


Rúguo chāorén huì fēi. Nà jiù ràng wo zài kōngzhōng tíng yī tíngxiē
If Superman can fly, let me stop for a rest in the air

Zàicì fukàn zhège shìjiè huì ràng wo juéde hao yīxiē
再次俯瞰這個世界 會讓我覺得好一些
Overlooking the world again, will make me feel better

Zhěngjiù dìqiú hao lèi suīrán youxiē píbèi dàn wo háishì huì
拯救地球好累 雖然有些疲憊但我還是會
Saving the Earth is tiring, but even though I won't let my fans down

Bùyào wèn wo kū guò le méi yīnwèi chāorén bùnéng liú yanlèi
不要問我哭過了沒 因為超人不能流眼淚
Don't ask whether I cried or not, because Superman can't shed his tears.

Chànggē yào ná zuì jiānán gēshou
Singing, I must rise my bar, getting a Best Male Artist

Pāi diànying yě bùnéng zhi ná gè zuì jiā xīnrén
Shooting movies, I must rise my bar, to not just get a Best New Artist

Ni bùcānjiā bānjiang dianli jiùshì méi limào
It would be rude if I don't attend at awarding ceremonies.

Ni qù cānjiā jiùshì dàibiao ni hěn zàihū
If I go, it would mean that I care.

Dé jiang shí ni gandòng luò lèi
If I was moved to tears,

Rénjiā jiù huì juéde ni kuāzhāng zuòzuo
People would think I am exaggerating for my affectation.

Ni méi biaoqíng biérén jiù huì shuō tài xiāozhāng
If I show a no emotion expression, People would again, think I am exaggerating

Rúguo ni tiānshēng zhè biaoqíng
If I was born with this facial expression,

Nàxiē rén shènzhì huì guài ni māmā
Some people even rose to blaming my mother

Jiéguo zuìhòu shì biérén zài dé jiang
In the end, someone else got the award,

Ni yě yào jiyu chōngfèn de zhangshēng yu wéixiào
I have to give full applause and smiles.

Kāi de jū bùnéng tài hao
Can't drive a too good car.

Zhù de lóu bùnéng tài gāo
Can't live in a too high a house.

Wo dàodi shì yīgè chuàngzuò gēshou háishì haorén haoshì dàibiao
Am I a composing singer or a ''Good person, Good deeds'' example?

Zhuānjí yī chū jiù bìxū shì guànjūn pāi le diànying jiù bìxū yào dà mài
專輯一出就必須是冠軍 拍了電影就必須要大賣
Releasing an album, I must rise my bar, to make it a hit.

Zhi néng shuō dāng chāorén zhēn de hao nán
I can only say, being Superman is a good deal of hardwork.

[Repeat Chorus]

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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- Justin -

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