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My Flower [MV]

Li De Hui's latest music video. The 5th track from her debut album "Anthomaniac".

I really like this one. It makes me want to dance and she is really beautiful here. Unlike in her other videos where she looks weird. I also like her hair here. It is much better.

One word to describe her: Beautiful!!

Anyway, I was just wondering, have you ever noticed that most or perhaps all of her songs from her album plus the title itself has something to do with flowers. But why? But it really suits her since she is a blossoming flower in her carreer. I like her!

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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- Justin -

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