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Wo Zhi Dao Ni Hen Nan Guo [lyrics]

As requested by: Aloner

Wǒ zhīdào nǐ hěn nánguò
I know you're sad

Ài yīgè rén xūyào yuán fèn nǐ hékǔ ràng zìjǐ yuè xiàn yuè shēn
愛一個人 需要緣份 你何苦讓自己 越陷越深
Loving person needs fate. You cannot just let yourself go deeper and deeper

Bié shǎ dé yòng nǐ de tiānzhēn qù pèng chù bùān dì línghún měi yītiān zhǐ néng chī
別傻得用你的天真 去碰觸不安的靈魂 每一天只能癡
Do not be a silly naive that uses statistics to touch your soul restlessly and can only be mad every day

Chī de děng
So silly


Ài yīgè rén bié tài rènzhēn nǐ shòushāng de yǎnshén lìng rén xīnténg
愛一個人 別太認真 你受傷的眼神 令人心疼
Do not be too careful in loving a person, it can injured your love one

Méiyǒu yīgè rén fēi yào lìng yīgè rén cáinéng guò yīshēng
沒有一個人 非要另一個人 才能過一生
No one had insisted before another life

Nǐ yòu hékǔ bī zìjǐ miàn duì shānghén
你又何苦逼自己 面對傷痕
Why bother compel yourself facing the scar


Wǒ zhīdào nǐ hěn nánguò gǎnqíng de fùchū bùshì zhēnxīn jiù huì yǒu jiéguǒ
我知道你很難過 感情的付出 不是真心就會有結果
I know you're sad feelings do not mean it will have to pay results

Bié wèn zěnme zuòài cáinéng chángjiǔ zhè dàolǐ yǒu yītiān nǐ huì dǒng
別問怎麼做 愛才能長久 這道理有一天你會懂
Do not ask how long this love [can go because] one day you will understand the reason

Wǒ zhīdào nǐ hěn nánguò zuótiān shì liànrén jīntiān shuō fēnshǒu jiù fēnshǒu
我知道你很難過 昨天是戀人 今天說分手就分手
I know you're sad today, yesterday is a lover of money or career

Bié wèn nǐ de tòng yào zěnme jiětuō duōqíng de rén zhùdìng shāng de bǐjiào jiǔ
別問你的痛 要怎麼解脫 多情的人註定 傷的比較久
Do not ask how your pain relieves passionate people who want to hurt the relatively long doomed

[Repeat Refrain then Chorus 2x]

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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- Justin -

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