In his weekly performance in the late night show "Walang Tulugan with the Master Showman" (No Sleeping with the Master Showman), I can say that this newcomer in the industry has some voice to offer.
Starting his own career as an actor in the teen drama "First Time", people have noticed his great looks and talents in acting. But is he ready to conquer the music world and create an album?
In the episode last Saturday night, German Moreno and Jhake Vargas formally announced that the young lad is already recording his first song in his upcoming album.
Though he have a good voice, I don't think that is he is ready to perform because watching him on stage, I can see that he still have some stage frights and lack confidence.
But in no time, I am sure that he can build what he lacks and he can build up grace and confidence and surely, he will emerged as a great artist. Well, let's just wait and see until he releases the album. Good luck then!
- Justin -
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- Justin -