The Taiwanese revealed that she is going to be a working housewife after marriage

During the recording, Ella revealed that they are "still in the Honeymoon period" and praised Alvin for giving her a sense of security.
Mike then revealed that Ella would openly boast about her sweet relationship with her fiancé and joked that the production crew were all forced to listen to Ella's stories.
"He came to visit me on set, and treated everyone to drinks. He's there to accompany me, because he knows I'm working hard. I'm a person who loves to share [my stories with others]. I cannot hide my happiness," Ella responded shyly.
The singer also corrected everyone on the show, saying, "Please call him Mr Lai, and stop calling him 'Ma Lai Gao' (name of a traditional Malay cake). It's not nice to address someone with a food name."
The 30-year-old went on to shock everyone when she declared that she was going to be a "professional housewife". It turns out the singer has no plans to leave showbiz yet, and simply wants to be a good wife to her husband.
When asked if life will change after marriage, Ella immediately answered, that she wants to be a "professional housewife" and quickly added, "I'll continue to be a working housewife."
Speaking of her fiancé's discomfort towards her intimate scenes with other male actors, Ella added, "I feel guilty acting in kissing scenes."
Source: Xin MSN
- Justin -
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