Kis-My-Ft2 will get their first regular variety show on TV Asahi starting this spring. The concept of the show, which is titled “Hama Kis,” is a “variety school.” The show will have comedian Hamaguchi Masaru (of the duo Yoiko) and other guest comedians teaching the fundamentals of variety shows to the members of Kis-My-Ft2.
The show first aired as a late-night special on December 29 of last year, and a second special was already scheduled to air on March 23. Many of the show’s segments involve physical feats, such as high diving from 10 meters up or crossing a very narrow suspension bridge.
The show’s regular broadcast will begin on April 4 in TV Asahi’s Wednesday late-night 1:21am-1:51am time slot.
Source: Mantan Web, Tokyograph
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