
Show Luo's New Album: 獅子吼 (Lion Roar)

After moving to Sony Music a week ago, Show Luo is set to release his 10th studio album that celebrates the epitome of his career.

Entitled "獅子吼" (Lion Roar), the album contains 10 tracks, 4 of which he composed himself. The album comes with a 28-page photo lyrics booklet which showcases his 20 hairstyles. Also, included in the album are a Gold Lion earphone jack plug (Gold Lion edition) and a Lion Roar bag (Black Lion edition).

Gold Lion edition album cover

Black Lion edition album cover

At first, I actually thought it was a rip-off of Katy Perry's "Roar" but I was wrong. Personally, I love his carrier track "獅子吼" (Lion Roar) which is more on the upbeat and rap side. It's just so awesome and I love the beat. It's not really a dance song but it's lively.

Another track I recommend is "想逃" (Want to Escape) which is a dramatic and mellow love song. It's far from your typical slow songs and I can really see this as a part of an ost.

Also "愛 騙我" (Love Cheated Me) is another great track. It's a pop love song. I think the album is more focused on dramatic pop than his usual electro-dance songs.

Lion Roar is expected to be released tomorrow! So grab a copy! :)


  1. 愛投羅網 
  2. 愛騙我 
  3. 未完的承諾 
  4. 惜命命 
  5. 獅子吼 
  6. 第六十一分鐘 
  7. 愛我喊出來 
  8. 愛慘了 
  9. 想逃 
  10. 如果還有如果 

Gold Lion Edition
Black Lion Edition

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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