
HELP [lyrics]

Qiúxié hóng méiguī
球鞋 紅玫瑰
Red Rose shoes

Hǎoxiàng bùgòu wánměi
If not perfect

Děngdài kànjiàn nǐ dì měi
等待看見 你的美
Wait to see your beauty

Jiù xiàng diànyǐng qíngjié
Like the movie plot

Zhǐ shèng jǐ fēnzhōng nǐ hái méi chūxiàn
Only a few minutes you are not there

Huì bù huì shèng wǒ yīgè shǎ shǎ de děngdài zhuó
會不會剩我一個 傻傻的等待著
I will not be left waiting for a silly



Bié juéde wǒ tài xīnjí
Do not think I was too impatient

Nǐ zhīdào wǒ xǐhuan nǐ
You know I like you

So Help

Bié zài huā shíjiān kǎolǜ
Do not take the time to consider

Wǒ kěyǐ shàng tiānxià dì (zhǐ wèi nǐ) zhǐ wèi nǐ de kāixīn
我可以上天下地 (只為你) 只為你的開心
I can be on the world to (only you) only for your fun

One two Guānxīn nǐ
one two 關心你
one two [I] care about you

three four Bù quēxí
three four 不缺席
three four [I am] not absent

five six Zhǐ wèi nǐ
five six 只為你
five six just for you

Zuò shénme dōu kěyǐ
[I] Make anything to be possible

Xīnlǐ miàn ō zài mòniàn
心裏面 噢 在默念
Oh hearts are in meditation

Wánměi kāi chéng yǔ yān (yé hēi..)
完美開成雨煙 (耶嘿..)
Becomes enlightened by the rain smoke perfectly (yeah hey ..)

Shǒubiǎo zhǐzhēn bùduàn wǎng qián
手錶指針 不斷往前
Watch the pointer always moving forward

Nǐ què méiyǒu chūxiàn
You actually have not appeared

Zhǐ shèng jǐ fēnzhōng nǐ hái méi chūxiàn
Only a few minutes you are not there

Huì bù huì shèng wǒ yīgè shǎ shǎ de děngdài zhuó
會不會剩我一個 傻傻的等待著
I will not be left waiting for a silly

[Repeat Chorus]
Yīqiè dōu méi lǐyóu àiqíng zěnme lái méi rén néng dǒng
一切都沒理由 愛情怎麼來沒人能懂
And have no reason to love, no one can understand how to

Dàn wǒ xiāngxìn jiùshì nǐ
But I believe that you

Ràng wǒ gǔ qǐ yǒngqì ràng wǒ nénggòu wàngjì
讓我鼓起勇氣 讓我能夠忘記
Let me have the courage so I can forget

Suǒyǒu de bù kāixīn
Everyone is not happy

[Repeat Chorus 2x]

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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  1. [...] See more here:  HELP « Taiwan Pop [...]

  2. i love this song and it is better thn the original version ^^ i love AK!!!!!

  3. [...] See more here:  HELP « Taiwan Pop [...]


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- Justin -

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