
More Water [lyrics]

Chéng zhe fēngyún duǒ zhōng piāofú zài xiàtiān de mèng
乘著風 雲朵中 飄浮在夏天的夢
Ride in the wind clouds floating in the summer of dreams

Zài mànyóu zài jiàngluò zài nǚhái shēnsuì yǎn móu
在漫遊 在降落 在女孩深邃眼眸
Roaming the land in the girl's deep eyes

Yǎnlèi shì wēnróu de hé qīnwěn liǎnjiá dài zǒu kǔsè
眼淚是溫柔的河 親吻臉頰帶走苦澀
Tears of a gentle kiss in the cheeks takes away the bitterness of the river

More Water

Tòumíng shì zuìměi de yánsè kànjiàn le qīcǎi de zhéshè
透明是最美的顏色 看見了 七彩的折射
Transparency is the best color to see the colorful refraction

Yīn wéi shuǐ shìjiè biàn de kěài wǒ yào měi fēn měi miǎo de yīlài
因為水 世界變得可愛 我要每分每秒的依賴
Because the water in the world is loveable, I want to become pretty dependent every minute


Water More Water

Lián hǎitún dōu zài hūhǎn kǒu kě zhǐyǒu shuǐ nénggòu jiāo xī yǔzhòu zàorè
連海豚都在呼喊口渴 只有水能夠澆熄宇宙燥熱
Even dolphins are crying in thirst, there is only hot water to dampen the universe

Water More Water

Shuǐ yǒngbào shēntǐ měi gè shíkè dài gěi wǒ wúbǐ fēngpèi de kuàilè
水擁抱身體每個時刻 帶給我無比豐沛的快樂
Body of water to embrace every moment brings me and abundance of great joy

Měi gèrén dōu xūyào More Water
每個人都需要More Water
Everyone needs More Water

Xiǎo xiǎo de shuǐ xīngqiú diào jìn jìmò de hóngjiǔ
小小的 水星球 掉進寂寞的紅酒
Small water falls into the lonely planet of red wine

Yǒnggǎn fēi hǎo liáokuò yòng cǎihóng huà guò tiānkōng
勇敢飛 好遼闊 用彩虹畫過天空
Flying bravely has drawn the sky vastly with the rainbow

Liànrén sùshuō zhe bù shì dàyǔ chàng qǐ měilì qínggē
戀人訴說著不捨 大雨唱起美麗情歌
Lover tells of having left a beautiful love song to sing in the rain

More Water

Xiāng yōng zhe duǒ yǔ de zhìrè měi kē xīn dōu bù zài gānhé
相擁著躲雨的炙熱 每顆心 都不再乾涸
Each heart which takes shelter from the rain that is no longer dry is burning hot [not sure about this]

[Repeat Refrain then Chorus 2x Except Last Line]

Kàn hànshuǐ huīsǎ zìyóu tīng hǎishuǐ qīngchūn de kuáng hǒu
看汗水揮灑自由 聽海水青春的狂吼
Free to listen and dig to see the youth howling sea

Shuǐ mólì chuān tòu nǐ wǒ měi gè jiǎoluò
水魔力穿透你我 每個角落
The water charm penetrates your and my every corner

Kàn hànshuǐ huīsǎ zìyóu tīng hǎishuǐ qīngchūn de kuáng hǒu
看汗水揮灑自由 聽海水青春的狂吼
Free to listen and dig to see the youth howling sea

Gǎnshòu zuì shuǐ de liǎnjiá
Experience the most water on the cheek

Wa Wa Water

Zhège shìjiè xūyào More Water
這個世界需要More Water
This world needs more water

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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