The S.H.E starlet who suffered third degree burns on 30% of her body is in such pain, she would rather experience labour pains 10 times over rather than deal with her burn injuries.
According to fellow bandmate Hebe Tien, Selina, who once talked about her fear for "labour pains," now says that she "would rather give birth 10 times than go through such scary burn injuries."
Instead of worrying over sustaining scars from her burn injuries, Selina has never pondered over this matter and said, "Beauty and appearance cannot help me go through this hurdle. The most important is my mentality. Being pretty in the past was something I once had, if I were to have scars in future, then that will be a mark of my life."
At a M.A.C charity event held yesterday, Hebe updated the press present on Selina's current condition and shared that Selina's body and face is covered in gauze dressing. Hebe also mentioned that Selina talks like a little child now and is either having her dressings changed or in a dazed state.
Despite her immobility due to the painful injuries, Hebe shared that Selina still insists on feeding herself at meal times and would persist even if the food drops from the spoon.


Selina's management company, HIM International music has demanded for the production team of the Shanghai drama series, I Have a Date with Spring, to declare the investigation proceedings.
Hunan TV and the drama's investors have made a formal response to their enquiry. They stated that investigations have been completed, however, due to compensation claims and the complicated nature of the case, results will only be made public over the next few days.
A rep from Hunan TV, Zhu Yan, expressed, "Last week, HIM International Music has sent representatives to Shanghai to communicate with the investigation team. Yu Haoming's (the other burnt victim) management company, eeMedia, has also been in touch with the production team."
Zhu Yan added that they have "talked properly" about it, but to ensure an accurate and fair report, the production team will be carrying out further investigation to examine the culprit accountable for the accident. They plan to hand over the report to the investors before sending it to HIM International Music and eeMedia.
It is known that both companies have yet to receive the detailed report.
In other related news, Ella Chen, the other member of S.H.E recently revealed on WeiBo (Chinese microblogging platform) that she will be heading to America to further her studies.
She wrote, "I am going to America to be a student! Dear wife (her nickname for Selina), please do not worry and take care of yourself. Hebe, please do not worry and do well in your album promotions!"

Source: Xin.MSN.Com

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