
Ai Hen Da [lyrics]

Chèdǐ bēng huài de chóngshēng le
徹底崩壞的 重生了
Thorough collapse rebirth

Céngjīng shānghài de yùhé le
曾經傷害的 癒合了
[It] Had healed the injury

Bù yuàn líkāi de huílái le
不願離開的 回來了
Do not want to leave back

Hàipà gūdān de xìngfú le
害怕孤單的 幸福了
Afraid of being alone

Kàn ài de yèkōng yǒu liúxīng de hé
Love to see a meteor in the river in the night sky

Tīng ài de xīnzhōng qíjī zài chànggē
Listen to songs of love in the hearts of a miracle

Wǒmen měi yīgè dōu shì bèi zhùfú de
我們每一個 都是被祝福的
Every one of us is blessed

Yīnwèi wǒmen de ài hěn dà
Because we love much


Ài hěn dà yǒu nǐ yǒu wǒ yǒu tā
愛很大 有你有我有他
There you have much love, I have him

Ài hěn dà wǒmen yīqǐ dàshēng chàng
愛很大 我們一起大聲唱
Much love to sing loudly with us

Ài hěn dà fāshè wēnnuǎn de yángguāng
愛很大 發射溫暖的陽光
Much love to launch [bring] sunlight

Ài hěn dà hēiyè guòhòu jiùshì tiānliàng
愛很大 黑夜過後就是天亮
Love is the morning after a great night

Ài hěn dà bù zài fēn nǐ wǒ tā
愛很大 不再分你我他
Much love that you, I and he is no longer divided

Ài hěn dà wǒmen shénme dōu bùpà
愛很大 我們什麼都不怕
Much love that we are not afraid of anything

Ài hěn dà zhāng kāi mèngxiǎng de chìbǎng
愛很大 張開夢想的翅膀
Much love that open wings of dreams

Ài hěn dà méiyǒu dào bùliǎo dì dìfāng
愛很大 沒有到不了的地方
Much love that can love a great place

Bīnglěng dòngjié de rónghuà le
冰冷凍結的 融化了
Ice-cold freeze melting

Zhuǎnzài lái zì
The reprint comes from

Kūqì liúlèi de wéixiào le
哭泣流淚的 微笑了
The sob bursts into tears [with] smile

Zhīlípòsuì de wánzhěng le
支離破碎的 完整了
Torn to pieces was complete

Kūwěi diāoxiè de kāihuā le
枯萎凋謝的 開花了
Withered blossoms dies of old age

Kàn ài de tiānkōng yǒu hépíng de gē
Love to see the sky with the dove of peace

Tīng ài de xīnzhōng jiāoxiǎng zhe kuàilè
Listen to the symphony of the happy heart of love

Wǒmen měi yīgè dōu shì bèi zhùfú de
我們每一個 都是被祝福的
Every one of us is blessed

Yīnwèi wǒmen de ài hěn dà
Because we love much
[Repeat Chorus]

Ài hěn dà ài hěn dà ài hěn dà ài hěn dà hěn dà hěn dà hěn dà... ...
爱很大爱很大爱很大爱很大很大很大很大... ...
Much love Much love Much Love Much Love great great great... ...

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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