
Dao Shu [lyrics]

As requested by: Yenny

Zěnme wǒ huì shuō tài wǎn le nǐ bùyòng sòng
How would I say you are not too late

Qíshí wǒ xiǎng shuō kěbù kěyǐ bùyào zǒu
In fact, I want to say I cannot go

Chē lǐ de gē wěi zòu yǐjīng jiéshù
車裡的歌 尾奏已經結束
In the car the songs are played until the end

Túrán wǒmen dōu chénmò nǐ bù gǎn kàn wǒ
突然我們都沉默 你不敢看我
Suddenly we are silent and you can not see me

Tǎoyàn zhèyàng wǒmen dōu yǒu huà cáng zhe bù shuō
Hate to have it hidden that we can't say it

Nǐ zǒng shì nàme chùchù zàiyì wǒ
You always care about me everywhere

Yuè hàipà shānghài wǒ wǒ gǎnjué yuè nánshòu
越害怕傷害我 我感覺越難受
The more afraid of hurting me, the more I feel more uncomfortable

Nǐ bù dǒng wǒ méi nǐ xiǎngxiàng cuìruò
你不懂 我沒你想像脆弱
I do not you think you do not understand vulnerability


Rèqíng jiéshù yǐhòu lěngjìng kāishǐ yǐhòu
熱情結束以後 冷靜開始以後
After the end of passion, After a calm start

Shíjiān kāishǐ sǒngyǒng quàn shēn ài de rén fàngqì
時間開始慫恿 勸深愛的人放棄
It is time to start encouraging and persuading people to give up love

Wǒ bùxiǎng dàoshǔ hái néng ài duōjiǔ bù ài wǒ qǐng líkāi wǒ
我不想倒數 還能愛多久 不愛我請離開我
I do not want to count down how long can love do not love me, leave me

Yǒnggǎn zhùfú yǐqián zhǎodào xìngfú yǐqián
勇敢祝福以前 找到幸福以前
Courage to find happiness before blessing ago

Wǒ huì nàixīn děnghòu bìng chóngxīn shìyìng jìmò
我會耐心等候 並重新適應寂寞
I will patiently wait and re-adapt to loneliness

Kāishǐ dàoshǔ kāishǐ wàngjì zhídé nǐ de ài yǐ quèdìng bùshì wǒ
開始倒數 開始忘記 值得你的愛 已確定不是我
Start the countdown forget the Worth of your love, I have determined not to be

Xià yīgè zhōumò huì bù huì jiù gèzì guò
The next weekend will not on their off

Jiànjiàn shǎo liánluò zhèyàng suàn bù suàn fēnshǒu
Contact this count less gradually broke up

Wǒ huì xiǎngniàn nǐ qīnwěn nǐ yǒngbào
I will miss your kiss your hug

Dàn wǒ bùxiǎng qīpiàn wǒ zhēnshí de gǎnshòu
但我不想欺騙我 真實的感受
But I do not want to cheat my true feelings

Tǎoyàn zhèyàng ài biànzhí hòu shuí dōu bù rènde
After such a love hate who do not recognize deterioration

Qíngrén zhōngjiù bù yīdìng biàn péngyǒu
Lovers does not become friends after all

Yuè xiānghù guānxīn zhe yuè jiāsù shūyuǎn le
越相互關心著 越加速疏遠了
The more [we are] concerned about each other, the more alienated accelerated [we can be]

Bié chù pèng wǒ zài chěngqiáng de xiàoróng
別觸碰 我在逞強的笑容
Do not touch me, I try to smile bravely

[Repeat Chorus]

Shì bùshì cóngqián wǒmen tài lǎnduò
Isn't in the past we are too lazy

Fàngrèn xīn wǎng xiāngfǎn fāngxiàng yídòng zhídào kàn bù qīngchu
放任心往相反方向移動 直到看不清楚
The *laissez faire heart moves toward the reverse direction until looks not clearly

Nǐ shuō chū nà yījù xièxiè nǐ yǎnlèi hūrán duókuàngérchū kuàiyào bùnéng zìjǐ
你說出那一句謝謝你 眼淚忽然奪眶而出 快要不能自己
You said thank you but tears suddenly flow, soon it cannot

Nán hěn kùnnán zàijiàn yào shuō de duō kuàilè
難 很困難 再見要說的多快樂
Difficult, very difficult to say goodbye more than happy

[Repeat Chorus 2x]

Xuǎnzé le jiānnán de lù zǒu wǒ xiāngxìn zhèyàng shì duì de
選擇了艱難的路走 我相信這樣是對的
Select a tough road to go I believe this is right

*The phrase is French and literally means "let do", but it broadly implies "let it be", or "leave it alone."

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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  1. Great post, very informative. Keep up the good work, Thanks.

  2. Great post, very informative. Keep up the good work, Thanks.


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- Justin -

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