
Jiang Luo San [lyrics]

As requested by: Aloner

Wǒ bì shàng yǎnjīng dàoshǔ wǔsì sān èr yī
I closed my eyes last 54321

Zòngshēn de yuèjìn hàohàn de wèizhī
纵身的跃进 浩瀚的未知
The leap he plunged was vast unknown

Shuāng jiǎo xuán zhe de wèijù yě méiguānxì
The fear of both feet hanging does not matter

Wǒ xī yī kǒuqì zhǎnkāi shuāng bì wěndìng zìjǐ xiàdìng le juéxīn
我吸一口气 展开双臂稳定自己下定了决心
I breath with open arms, a strong commitment and stability

Àiqíng hěn měilì wǒ zài yuǎn jùlí xīnshǎng zhè fú fēngjǐng
爱情很美丽 我在远距离欣赏这幅风景
Love is very beautiful I to appreciate this scenery in the long-distance range

Míng zhīdào jiāng ānquán zhuólù mùdì
You know that the purpose of safe landing

Què zài yáohuàng zhōng wǒ xīnshén bù níng
Actually I restlesses in swaying

Méiyǒu nǐ wǒ sàngshī xìnxīn
[But] I have not lost faith in you


Chuízhí diào xiàqù wǒ de ài jiù xiàng shì jiàngluòsǎn
My love is like a parachute that will fall vertically

Zhǐ néng yìwúfǎngù de fēixiáng
Only duty-bound to fly

Xiǎngniàn shì kuángfēng wúfǎ dǐdǎng
Thought of that is the strong winds is unable to resist

Sù shǒu wú cè de piāodàng
Hands-free policy of drift velocity

Wǒ de ài jiù xiàng shì jiàngluòsǎn
I love like a parachute

Yǒnggǎn de wǒ zài kōngzhōng zhàn fàng
勇敢的我在空中 绽放
I am brave in the air bloom

Qǐng gěi wǒ lìliàng
Please give me strength

Kōngjiàng nǐ de shēn páng ài cóngtiānérjiàng shǒuzhù zhège dìfāng
空降你的身旁爱从天而降 守住这个地方
Lands your one's side to like dropping from the clouds defends this place

[Repeat All]

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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- Justin -

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