
Yi Miao Zhong [lyrics]

As requested by: Dicxy

P.S. This lyrics is one of the best I have ever read. It is so lovely and touching. =)

Zěnme yàng cái suàn zhēnzhèng de yǒngyǒu
How kind to be considerable the owner of the real

Àiqíng céng ràng wǒ nàme de kùnhuò
Love once let me be in such confusion

Tài duō de jièkǒu tài duō de rúguǒ
太多的借口 太多的如果
If too many excuses

Jùlí xìngfú hái yǒu duōjiǔ
How long from happy also has

Yīzhí dào wǒ yùjiàn le nǐ zhīhòu
Until after I met you

Cái míngbái kuàilè qíshí méi lǐyóu
Came to realize that in fact there is no reason for joy

Zìrán de qiānshǒu zìrán de xiàoróng
自然的牽手 自然的笑容
Natural smile natural hand

Ō〜xìngfú bù xūyào chéngnuò
Oh do not promise happiness


Bùguǎn kùn nàn yǒu hěnduō
No matter hoe many difficulties

Bùguǎn jiéjú huì biàn chéng shénme
No matter what the outcome will be

Zhǐ xiǎng yàojǐn wò nǐ de shuāngshǒu
只想要緊握 你的雙手
I only wish to hold your hands

Xiànzài qǐng nǐ tīng wǒ shuō ō
現在請你聽我說 喔
Now I ask you to listen to me as I say


Wǒ yǒngyuǎn bùyào gēn nǐ fēnkāi yī miǎo zhōng
I never must separate one second with you

Nǐ de suǒyǒu wǒ xiǎng yào liǎojiě hé yǒngyǒu
All I want is you to understand and have

Tì nǐ zhē yǔ dǎng fēng péi nǐ zuò bái rì mèng
替你遮雨擋風 陪你做白日夢
Obstructs the rain for you to keep out the wind, accompanies you to have the daydream

Liǎng gèrén fà dāi shénme dōu bùyòng shuō Baby
兩個人發呆什麼都不用說 Baby
Two people does not need to say anything Baby

Wǒ yǒngyuǎn dūhuì jìde zhège yī miǎo zhōng
I will always remember this one second

Hǎoxiàng shìjiè dōu wéirào zhe nǐ hé wǒ zhuǎndòng
Probably the world is revolving around you and I

Shùnjiān biàn chéng yǒngjiǔ biàn chéng le gǎndòng
瞬間變成永久 變成了感動
Become a moving moment to become permanent

Néng bùnéng zài gěi wǒ yī miǎo zhōng
能不能再給我 一秒鐘
Can you give me a second

Cónglái bu míngbái duō qíguài
Never understood how strange

Yuánlái ài yīgè rén bù hěn jiǎndān
Originally loving a person is not very simple

Bùyòng kāikǒu zhǐyào yǎnshén jiāohuàn
Does not need to open the mouth as long as you exchange looks

Jiùsuàn ānjìng chénmò yě hěn wēnnuǎn
Even if peaceful silent is also very warm and quiet

Yī miǎo zhōng suǒyǒu qī pàn xīnshì jiù nénggòu jiāohuàn
一秒鐘 所有期盼 心事就能夠交換
A second exchange can exchange all hopes and concerns

Ràng wǒmen jiù zhèyàng chéngwéi bǐcǐ de Only One
讓我們就這樣成為彼此的Only One
It enables us to be like this, to become each other's Only One

[Repeat Refrain then Chorus]

Yěxǔ ǒuěr wàng le chūzhōng
Maybe I occasionally forget the original intention

Dàn nǐ de yǎnlèi wǒ yě xiǎng yào dǒng
But I also want to understand your tears

Shénme dōu bié duì wǒ bǎoliú
Anything do not retain to me

Ér suǒyǒu de bēishāng nánguò dōu bù huì tíngliú
而所有的悲傷難過 都不會停留
Sorry if all the sorrow won't stop

Dōu yào huàn chéng xiàoróng
Must change into the smiling face

Zhè yīkè zhǐ shèng xià nǐ hé wǒ shǒu qiān zhuóshǒu
這一刻只剩下你和我 手牽著手
At this moment there are only you and me hand in hand

Yǒngyuǎn de yī miǎo zhōng
Forever one second

[Repeat Chorus]

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!! thank you so much!!!!!! i just lov AK they are really awesome and cute and the lyrics are wonderful!!!! I hav the CD but i dont understand the meaning however i love the music into it...


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- Justin -

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