
WOW [lyrics]

As requested by: Dicxy

WOW Hey Girl Shēng nǎi zǒu guò ràng wǒ tíngzhǐ hūxī xīntiào
WOW Hey Girl妳走過 讓我停止呼吸心跳
WOW Hey Girl you came to me to stop my breathing and heartbeat

WOW Nǎi shénmì de xiàoróng ràng wǒ tóu hūn kuàiyào yūn dǎo
WOW 妳神祕的笑容 讓我頭昏快要暈倒
WOW [with] your mysterious smile I almost faint from dizziness

Hey Girl Nǎi hǎo nǎi de yǎnshén hǎo shǎnyào
Hey Girl妳好 妳的眼神好閃耀
Hey Girl you are good, you look good and sparkling

Nàme měilì ràng wǒ kuài fēng diào bùnéng jiǎzhuāng méi kàn dào
那麼美麗讓我快瘋掉 不能假裝沒看到
So beautiful it makes me crazier can not pretend not to see

WOW Bùyào táopǎo zhè zhǒng jīhuì hěn xīshǎo
WOW 不要逃跑 這種機會很稀少
WOW very few such opportunities do not escape

Xiàng wǒ zhèyàng de nánhái xiànzài yǐjīng zhǎo bù dào WOW
像我這樣的男孩 現在已經找不到 WOW
Boys like me now can not find the WOW


Wèi nǎi kū dòu nǎi xiào wǒ de hǎo cāi bù dào
為妳哭 逗妳笑 我的好 猜不到
You cry and make you laugh for the good I guess

Nǎi yào zhīdào wǒmen duō dēng duì duōme gānghǎo
妳要知道 我們多登對 多麼剛好
You must know what happened on our multi-board


Qǐng nǎi bùyào shuō oh ~ No No No
請妳不要說 oh~No No No
Please don't you say oh ~ No No No

Bùyào qīngyì shuō oh ~ No No No
不要輕易說 oh ~ No No No
Do not say oh ~ No No No

Jiù diǎntóu ba shuō oh ~ Yeah Yeah Yeah
就點頭吧說 oh ~ Yeah Yeah Yeah
I'll nod my head and say, oh ~ Yeah Yeah Yeah

Just be my girl Hǎobù hǎo
Just be my girl 好不好
Just be my girl good or bad

Qǐng nǎi bié shuō No No No
請妳別說 No No No
Please don't you say No No

Bùyào zhuāng zuò méi kàn dào wǒ dū le
不要裝作沒看到 我都了
Do not pretend I do not see

Nǎi xīnlǐ yě xiǎng shuō shēng WOW
妳心裡也想說聲 WOW
Your heart also wanted to say WOW

Hey Girl Nǎi hǎo nǎi de yǎnshén hǎo shǎnyào
Hey Girl妳好 妳的眼神好閃耀
Hey Girl you are good, you look good and sparkling

Nàme měilì ràng wǒ kuài fēng diào bùnéng jiǎzhuāng méi kàn dào
那麼美麗讓我快瘋掉 不能假裝沒看到
So beautiful it makes me crazier can not pretend not to see

WOW Bùyào táopǎo zhè zhǒng jīhuì hěn xīshǎo
WOW 不要逃跑 這種機會很稀少
WOW very few such opportunities do not escape

Xiàng wǒ zhèyàng de nánhái xiànzài yǐjīng zhǎo bù dào WOW
像我這樣的男孩 現在已經找不到 WOW
Boy like me now can not find the WOW

[Repeat Refrain then Chorus]

Kàn duì yǎn jiùshì huì fēngkuáng qímiào
Mad eye is wonderful to see

Méiyǒu lǐyóu jiùshì xiǎng duì nǎi shì hǎo
There is no reason you want to show is that good

Bùyào juéde wǒ hǎoxiàng yǒudiǎn jiāoào
Do not think I like a little pride

Yīnwèi wǒ néng dānbǎo huì bǎ nǎi dàngchéng bǎo
因為我能擔保 會把妳當成寶
Because I can guarantee that you will treasure it

Suǒyǐ diǎntóu say yeah Bù ràng nǎi hòuhuǐ
所以點頭say yeah不讓妳後悔
So you will regret not to nod and say yaeh

Qǐng nǎi duōduō zhǐshì gěi wǒ jīhuì lái biǎoxiàn
Please give me lots of opportunity to show direction to you

Duō yī fēn duō yī miǎo nǎi jiù huì míngliǎo
多一分 多一秒 妳就會 明瞭
You will understand it a little more than one second

Jiù shuō hǎo bié táopǎo wǒ zài zhèlǐ ràng nǎi kào
就說好 別逃跑 我在這裡讓妳靠
Do not say well I'm here for you to escape through

Ràng nǎi shuō shēng WOW
讓妳說聲 WOW
Make you say the "WOW" sound

Zhèyàng de xiāng yù duō qímiào duōme xiǎng ràng nǎi zhīdào
這樣的相遇多奇妙 多麼想讓妳知道
This encounter is many wonderful how you want to know

Wǒmen huì duō hǎo
We will be more good

Come on Suǒyǐ bié zài zhuǎnshēn zǒu diào
Come on 所以別再轉身走掉
So please do not turn and go, Come on

Bié zài jiǎzhuāng wúliáo
Do not pretend to be bored

Oh Baby Rock With Me!

[Repeat Chorus 2x]

Hey Girl Nǎi zǒu guò ràng wǒ tíngzhǐ hūxī xīntiào WOW
Hey Girl妳走過 讓我停止呼吸心跳 WOW
Hey Girl you came to me to stop my breathing and heartbeat WOW

Nǎi shénmì de xiàoróng ràng wǒ tóu hūn kuàiyào yūn dǎo WOW
妳神祕的笑容 讓我頭昏快要暈倒 WOW
[with] your mysterious smile I almost faint from dizziness WOW

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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- Justin -

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