
Lai Bu Ji Liu Lei De Ren [MV]

Jane Zhang's newest song "Too Late To Cry Man".

This song was used as the theme song for the hilarious comedy film "Hee Travels"

Personally, I don't like it that much. It just doesn't have that appeal to most of the audience like me. I am not saying that she is a bad singer. I just think that this is not the song that suits her.

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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1 comment:

  1. This does not look like a comedy movie at all.


Thanks for commenting! Spread the love for Asian Music!

- Justin -

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