
Hebe Releases "Love" MV Animated Version

One of my favorite songs from Hebe. This is so lovely too bad it is only a minute and half. The first music video (shall I call it that way?) was just like a lyrics video.

But then, it was so great. Now, Hebe releases the same packaged with a new music video and now it is animated. It is complete with pictures and animations that is very powerful and meaningful.

It has a story on its own. It about a girl who found a heart key. She then went to different doors and as she opens them, she found nothing but tragedy such as a cliff, broken heart and tidal wave.

She was upset until eventually, she found a keyhole in her right wrist. She tried it and her began soon opened. She found out that the heart she was searching for was all in her. So cute.. :)

- Justin -

About the ""

Justin Vawter Greco Buenagua *

An architecture student. A fashion and design blogger. Total sucker for S.H.E.! Wishes to be married to Ella Chen someday (sorry Richard!) I created this blog just to share everything I love about C-Pop. Who would have thought this would become like this? Thank you for reading! Keep the love for Asian music alive! :)
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- Justin -

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